The complete project manager
A book about the how of project management.
How to integrate and combine the many available methods.
How you can use a proactive attitude to stay in control even during difficult situations.
How to transform yoursef from a controller to an influencer.
How to be Agile even in traditional organizations.
How to integrate project management in your personal style and daily work process.
How to make sure you actually start using it!
How can you stay true to yourself throughout all this.
Today’s project managers have to meet high expectations. Challenging goals, a strong focus on cost management and lead times, serving the interests of different stakeholders and many dependencies between subprojects make project management an increasingly complex affair – especially in an environment where change and uncertainty have become the new norm. In addition, the creative abilities of knowledge workers have to be optimally utilised, which requires less hierarchical organisational structures and more multidisciplinary collaboration. Having the right project management skills is therefore essential at virtually every level of an organisation.
As a result of these challenges, there is a growing demand for comprehensive methods and the popularity of Agile is on the rise. On the other hand, the increased complexity also results in a need for simplicity. That is what this book is about: going back to the basics, being able to combine useful elements from different methods and focusing on the most important aspect of all: the person behind the project manager!
The book contains a wealth of practical descriptions with useful examples and anecdotes. Readers are constantly stimulated to internalise the essence and put it into practice in a manner that suits their own style and personality. That is the only way to keep at it, be successful and make others believe in you!
What this book will bring you:
- What are the basic techniques of a project manager that can be used in both Agile and traditional environments?
- How can you integrate the many available project management methods into your own work process?
- How can you use smart leadership and certain forms of behaviour to massively increase your effectiveness and efficiency by always taking the initiative (the factor 10)?
- How can you combine traditional (waterfall-oriented) product development with Agile (software) development?
- How can you make uncertainties and changes work for you, rather than against you?
- How can you structure a complex project in such a way that it becomes an insightful and delegable series of interim results?
- How can you measure the true project status from the very beginning of the project using the critical parameters?
- How can you create the frameworks within which teams of knowledge workers can operate in a self-organising manner?
- How can you safeguard progress, learning ability, communication and goal orientation in any situation with the help of the project heartbeat?
- How can you turn the collaboration with your stakeholders into a coproduction, regardless of the circumstances?
- Above all, how can you stay true to yourself throughout all this?
If you own the book you can download the CPM toolkit for free in the download section from this website:
Publisher: Van Haren Publishing
Language: Dutch and English
ISBN: 9789401800419 (Dutch hardcopy), 9789401804004 (English hardcopy)
Author: Roel Wessels